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Intro SE 4 AI

Tim Menzies

March 22, 2024

1 I want you… to be an (AI) brain surgeon

2 Can we engineering an AI system? Simply? Quickly?

Here we explore dozens of SE problems 1 using explainable AI for semi-supervised multi-objective optimization.

Sounds complex, right?

3 Which raises the question….

What else is similarly simple?

My challenge to you is this:

4 Why study simplicity?

5 Why study simplicity? (2)

6 Surfing the long tail

7 Aside: Q: What is Software Engineering?

8 Application of Little Data in SE: Software Review

In this scenario: we must reduce the effort (human and CPU) for that tuning.

9 More on Software Review

  1. github.com/timm/ezr/tree/main/data↩︎

  2. Udandarao, V., Prabhu, A., Ghosh, A., Sharma, Y., Torr, P.H., Bibi, A., Albanie, S. and Bethge, M., 2024. No” zero-shot” without exponential data: Pretraining concept frequency determines multimodal model performance. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.04125.↩︎

  3. docs.google.com/document/d/1dF4GePCf04IW5uZnRSGQXRlzo5VyD5u0PQ3hfy-Zd6Q/edit.↩︎

  4. docs.google.com/document/d/1dF4GePCf04IW5uZnRSGQXRlzo5VyD5u0PQ3hfy-Zd6Q/edit.↩︎

  5. www.linkedin.com/pulse/data-centers-its-environmental-impacts-i%C5%9F%C4%B1l-durmu%C5%9F-q5xvf/↩︎