20-40 samples can find significant improvements in 10,000+ examples. Wanna know how?
Intro SE 4 AI
Tim Menzies
March 22, 2024
1 I want you… to be an (AI) brain
I want to make you the AI software engineers:
that know how to reach inside smart algorithms and make changes
Surely, by now, we can do that:
If you have been doing something for a while then can you or I:
Do it simpler, faster. using fewer resources?
Know how to combine things, such that you can more with less?
Teach seemingly complex things to newbies?
2 Can we engineering an AI system?
Simply? Quickly?
Here we explore dozens of SE problems 1
using explainable AI for semi-supervised multi-objective
Internally, this is coded via sequential model optimization and
membership query synthesis.
Sounds complex, right?
But it ain’t.
In fact, as I hope to show, all the above is just a hundred lines of
code (caveat: if you are using the right underlying object model).
3 Which raises the question….
What else is similarly simple?
How many of our complex problems … aren’t?
My challenge to you is this:
Please go and find out.
Take a working system, see what you can throw away (while the
remaining system is still useful and fast).
Let me know happens so I can add your fantastic new, and simple,
idea to this code
4 Why study simplicity?
Cause we are getting really really good at reasoning with very
little data
Cause its good science
If you really understand “it”, can you do “it” again, very very
Cause the world is changing
Next generation of satellite internet providers
Connecting millions of new programmers willing to work for \(\frac{1}{20}\)th of the salary you
In that world, you do not want to be the programmer
You want to be the optimizer who controls and improves the work of
Cause almost no one else is studying reasoning with very little
5 Why study simplicity? (2)
Cause everyone has gone mad on complexity.
A small number of very large companies have built empires based on
“big data”
Five years ago, no on one wanted to head about simplicity
But after three years of constant tech lay offs, and increasing
challenges for getting jobs at these large organizations …
… my students now know they need to graduate with knowledge about
“big data” AND alternate approaches.
Cause big data is running out of data (see next slide).
6 Surfing the long tail
LLMs? For everything?
LLMs know a lot, about things we do a lot (e.g. “if” statements in
And they know less about things we do less
Model collapse:
We are about to run out of training data 2 for
Can’t reply of synthetic data generation (no new information from
data already seen)
So, we make do with less data?
Are their domain, were models need less, not more, data?
7 Aside: Q: What is Software
A: The delivery and maintainable of software products to an
acceptable standard, built using current constraints.
LLMs build “quality” solutions? That respect “current
Do LLMs work for all tasks?
Not really3. They often produce useful
suggestions. But mixed in with the good is also the bad, the terrible,
the misleading and the dangerous4.
Are LLMs bad science?
Harder for research LLM papers to, say, run 20 times and report the
variability in the results
Harder for other researchers to check results from other
AI needs 1% of world’s power, creating 4% of our carbon emissions5
Do they need too much data ? (above)
Are there other options? That use less data? That can be
8 Application of Little Data in SE:
Software Review
The more we use AI in SE, the more code will be auto-generated.
The more we auto-generate code
the less time software engineers spend writing and reviewing new
code, written by someone or something else (which internally, are a
The less we understand code,
the more we will use black-boxes components, where, once a system is
assembled, its control settings are tuned.
In this scenario: we must reduce the effort (human and CPU) for that
9 More on Software Review
We define “software review” as a panel of SMEs (subject matter
experts), looking at examples of behavior to recommend how to improve
SME time is usually very limited so, such reviews must complete
after looking at just a small number of very informative examples.
To support the software review process, we explore methods that
train a predictive model to guess if some oracle will like/dislike the
next example.
These predictive models work with SMEs to guide them as they explore
the examples. Afterwards, the models can handle new examples, while the
panelists are busy, elsewhere
Udandarao, V., Prabhu, A., Ghosh, A., Sharma, Y., Torr,
P.H., Bibi, A., Albanie, S. and Bethge, M., 2024. No” zero-shot” without
exponential data: Pretraining concept frequency determines multimodal
model performance. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.04125.↩︎