A little lite AI


Principles of lightweight micro modeling.

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NUMbers and SYMbols

Symbols and numbers differ by the operations they support. Both can be sorted and both have measures of (a) central tendancies and (b) diversity around tha central tendandcy. But only numbers can be added, divided, subtraced, multiplied, etc.

The central tendancy of NUM,SYMs is called the mean (mu) and mode, respectively. The diversity measures are entropy and sd (standard deviation). These diversity measures are a measure of confusion and when we go learning, we prefer ranges where that dviersity is minimized. XXX watching cars of freeeway.. do much dofersiy, compare to care refuge wheen new aninak yu see is orobably going ot be a cat (or, much rearely, of the human staff peole)

local l=require"lib" ; local o,oo=l.o,l.oo
local d=require"numsym"; local NUM=d.NUM; SYM=d.SYM

local f=function(n) return l.rnd(n,3) end

local num1 = NUM.new()
for i = 1,1000 do num1:add(i) end
print("1. nums",f(num1:mid()), f(num1:div()))
assert(500.5 == f(num1:mid()) and 288.819 == f(num1:div()),"bad nums")

local sym1 = SYM.new()
for c in ("aaaabbc"):gmatch"." do sym1:add(c) end
print("2. syms", sym1:mid(), f(sym1:div()))
assert("a"  == f(sym1:mid()) and 1.379 == f(sym1:div()),"bad syms")

The standard deviation is zero when the numbers are all the same. Similarly, entropy is also zero when all the symbols are the same.

local num2 = NUM.new()
for i = 1,1000 do num2:add(1) end
print("3. sames",f(num2:mid()), f(num2:div()))
assert(1 == f(num2:mid()) and 0 == f(num2:div()),"non-zero ent")

local sym2 = SYM.new()
for c in ("aaaaaaa"):gmatch"." do sym2:add(c) end
print("4. syms", sym2:mid(), f(sym2:div()))
assert("a"  == f(sym2:mid()) and 0 == f(sym2:div()),"bad syms")

Standard deviations can be calculated in two passes. Once the mean ($\mu$) is known (in pass1), the a second pass can be calculated from the wriggle around the mean; i.e. as the mean sum of the absolute value of the differences between each item and the mean:

\[\sqrt{(\sum_i (x_i - \mu)^2)/(n-1)}\]

But why do it it two passes when you can do it in one? Welford’s algorithm allows of the incremetanl updating of sd:

-- from src/calc.lua
function welford(x,n,mu,m2,     sd,d)
  d  = x  - mu
  mu = mu + d/n
  m2 = m2 + d*(x- mu)
  sd = (m2/(n-1+1E-30))^0.5
  return mu,m2,sd end

local num3 = NUM.new()
for i = 1,100 do 
   if i % 5 ==0 then  
      print("5. inc", num3.n, f(num3:mid()), f(num3:div()))  end end

One thing that will be important is how early mu and sd can stabilize. For example in the above code, mu and sd converge to 0.55 and 0.280 (ish) after just 15 samples.

  inc	5	0.37	0.335
  inc	10	0.416	0.231
  inc	15	0.545	0.27
  inc	20	0.555	0.283
  inc	25	0.554	0.271
  inc	30	0.59	0.281
  inc	35	0.585	0.289

This stabilization means we can do a simple discretization trick. A “normal” Gaussian distribution is a symmetrical bell-shaped curve with a single peak at its mean value. For mu=0 and sd=1.

XXX cdf pdf