20-40 samples can find significant improvements in 10,000+ examples. Wanna know how?
The general problem:
- Given rows of data with many \(X\)
independent values and many \(Y\) goals
where \(Y=f(X)\):
- Look at the fewest \(Y\)
- To find what \(X\) values predict
for the best \(Y\) values
- Curently, we are stuck at at around 30-40 labels (have been for
about a year). Can we get this down to 15-20?
More specific problems:
Acquisition functions
- Explore? exploit? adaptive?
- Uncertainty (or not)
- Different for different kinds of data?
- Membership query synthesis
Initial label selection
Initial data selection
- Full dendogram generation, then reflection across the whole
- e.g. sample rows at a frequency equal to leaf diversity
- Divide larger data sets in two (at random)
- Does a model learnt from first half part work for second part?
- How large must the first part be before we can learn a model stable
for the second part?
- Anything better than twoFar?
- Early stopping? Track progress to date then stop early
- Pool learning:
- Current tool is a “pool” learner that can access all the unlabelled
- An alternate approach is a “stream” learner that eats the data in
“eras” of size (say) 1000
- So instead of starting from zero all the time
- Restart each era with the model learned from era[-1]
- Why does the faster heuristic work? can we use that to build a
better algorithm?
Oracle errors
- Assume X% wrong, try things with increasing X
(e.g. 0,10,20,40%)
- Can we learn a stable symbolic model that predicts for better?
- What is the “explanation tax”; i.e. how much do we lose if we use
the rules?
Higher dimensional data
- Text mining
- Audio data
- Image data
Other data
- How much of fig7 of
can we cover?
- some of the goals we are exploring are a little dull. Can we do
- For https://arxiv.org/pdf/2311.17483.pdf, fig 9, what support can
you add to support (say) 5 of the lefthand side requirements?
- This one is challenging. How would you generate the data to explore?
- But wait! we only need under 40 examples. Does that help us?
Benchmark against standard
- e.g. optuna, hyperplan (BOHB), DE
- Will need an oracle that can label any example (see “regression” or
“data synthesis”, below)
- Or, apply all this to known models
- e.g Pymoo has
hundreds of such models
- See here
- The DTLZ models are really widely used (but I fret they are
- and DF
looks pretty cool.
- Try to avoid the really simple ones. Try to do something SE
- Can ezr tune ezr?
- Can ezr tune other algorithms?
- Classification
- Regression
- Anomaly detection
- Data synthesis
- Need a measure of new data being the same as old
- Data de-biasing
- Better than LLM?
- Use to select for questions in few shot learning?
- Use to select prompts for case based reasoning?