AI for busy people

Understanding :snake: turns insight into action.

(defpackage :ai-lite (:use :common-lisp))
(in-package :ai-lite)
(defstruct about
  "Struct for file meta info."
  (what  "min.lisp")
  (why   "optimization tricks")
  (when  "(c) 2024")
  (how   "MIT license")
  (who   "Tim Menzies")
  (where ""))
(defstruct settings
  "Struct for all settings."
  (seed    1234567891)
  (buckets 2)
  (pp      2)
  (train   "../../moot/optimize/misc/auto93.csv")
  (about  (make-about)))

Set up

(defvar *settings* (make-settings))
(defun args()
  "Access command line."
  (cdr #+clisp ext:*args* #+sbcl sb-ext:*posix-argv*))

#+sbcl (declaim (sb-ext:muffle-conditions cl:style-warning))


(defmacro o (x f &rest fs)
  "Nested access to slots."
  (if fs
      `(o (slot-value ,x ',f) . ,fs)
      `(slot-value ,x ',f)))
(defmacro ? (&rest slots)
  "Access settings."
  `(o *settings* . ,slots))
(defmacro has (lst x)
  "Return `lst`'s  slot value for `x` (if missing, initialize x's slot to 0)."
  `(cdr (or (assoc ,x ,lst :test #'equal)
            (car (setf ,lst (cons (cons ,x 0) ,lst))))))
(set-macro-character #\$ 
   #'(lambda (s _)
       "Expand $x to (slot-value self 'x)."
       `(slot-value self ',(read s t nil t))))


Data (has rows and cols)

(defstruct (data (:constructor %make-data))
  "stores rows, summarized in cols (columns)"
  rows cols)
(defmethod make-data (src &key sortp &aux (self (%make-data)))
  "Load in csv rows, or rows from a list into a `data`."
  (if (stringp src)
      (with-csv src #'(lambda (x) (add self x)))
      (dolist (x src) (add self x)))
  (if sortp
      (setf $rows (sort $rows #'< :key (lambda (row) (ydist self row)))))

Col (has pos and txt name)

(defstruct col
  "Columns have a `txt` name, a `pos` and count `n` of things seen."
  (n 0) (pos 0) (txt ""))

Sym (isa Col, has symbol counts)

(defstruct (sym (:include col))
  "`Sym`s summarize symbolic columns."
  counts (most 0) mode klass)

Num (isa Col, has mu, sd, lo and hi bounds)

(defstruct (num (:include col) (:constructor %make-num))
  "`Num`s summarize numeric columns."
  (mu 0) (m2 0) (sd 0) (lo 1E32) (hi -1E32) (goal 1))
(defun make-num (&key (txt "") (pos 0))
  "Constructor. For `nums`."
  (%make-num :txt txt :pos pos :goal (if (eql #\- (chr txt -1)) 0 1)))

Cols (factory for making Cols from list of names)

(defstruct (cols (:constructor %make-cols))
  "Container for all the columns (store in `all`, some also stored in `x,y`." 
  all x y names klass)
(defun make-cols (names &aux (pos -1) x y klass all)
  "Constructor. `Names` tells us what `nums` and `syms` to make."
  (dolist (name names (%make-cols :x x :y y :klass klass :names names
                                  :all (reverse all)))
    (let* ((a    (chr name 0))
           (z    (chr name -1))
           (what (if (upper-case-p a) #'make-num #'make-sym))
           (col  (funcall what :txt name :pos (incf pos))))
        (push col all)
      (unless (eql z #\X)
        (if (eql z #\!) (setf klass col))
        (if (member z '(#\! #\- #\+)) (push col y) (push col x))))))



(defmethod add ((self data) row)
  "Keep the row, update the `cols` summaries."
  (if $cols
    (push (add $cols row) $rows)
    (setf $cols (make-cols row))))
(defmethod add ((self cols) row)
  (mapcar #'add $all row))
(defmethod add ((self col) x)
  "For non-empty cells, add `x`. Always return `x`."
  (unless (eql x '?)
    (incf $n)
    (add1 self x))
(defmethod add1 ((self num) x)
  "Update numeric summaries with `x`."
  (let ((d (- x $mu)))
    (incf $mu (/ d $n))
    (incf $m2 (* d (- x $mu)))
    (setf $sd (if (< $m2 2) 0 (sqrt (/ $m2 (- $n 1))))
          $lo (min x $lo)
          $hi (max x $hi))))
(defmethod add1 ((self sym) x)
  "Update symbolic summaries with `x`."
  (let ((new (incf (has $counts x))))
    (if (> new $most)
      (setf $mode x
            $most new))))


(defmethod at ((self col) row)
  "Access a column in a row."
  (elt row $pos))
(defmethod norm ((self num) x)
  "Normalizes x 0..1."
  (if (eql x '?) x (/ (- x $lo) (- $hi $lo 1E-32))))
(defmethod ydist ((self data) row)
   (o $cols y)
   (lambda (col) (- (o col goal) (norm col (at col row))))))
(defmethod xdist ((self data) row1 row2)
   (o $cols x) 
   (lambda (col) (dist col (norm col (at col row1)) (norm col (at col row2))))))


Numeric trics

(defun inca (a x)
  "Ensure `a` has a key for `x`, add one to that count."
  (incf (cdr (or (assoc x a :test #'equal)
                 (car (setf a (cons (cons x 0) a)))))))
(defmethod minkowski (lst fun)
  "p-th root of normalized sum of absolute values in `lst`, raised to p."
  (expt (/ (loop :for x :in lst :sum (expt (abs (funcall fun x)) (? pp)))
           (length lst))
        (/ 1 (? pp))))

String tricks

(defun chr (s n )
  "Return nth character from `s`. Negative `n` denote indexes from back." 
  (let ((s (if (stringp s) s (symbol-name s))))
    (char s (if (>= n 0) n (+ n (length s))))))         
(defun thing (s &aux (s1 (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab) s)))
  "Coerce `s` to an atomic thing."
  (let* ((*read-eval* nil)
         (it (read-from-string s1 "")))
    (cond ((numberp it)     it)
          ((string= it "?") '?)
          (t                s1))))
(defun things (s &optional (sep #\,) (here 0)) ; --> list
  "split string to items, divided on `sep; then coerce each item"
  (let ((there (position sep s :start here)))
    (cons (thing (subseq s here there))
          (if there (things s sep (1+ there))))))

File I/O

(defun with-csv (&optional file (fun #'print) end)
  "call `fun` on all lines in `file`, after running lines through `filter`"
  (with-open-file (s (or file *standard-input*))
    (loop (funcall fun (things (or (read-line s nil)
                                      (return end)))))))



(defun eg--settings ()
  (print *settings*))
(defun eg--csv (&aux (pos -1))
  (with-csv (? train)  (lambda (r)
    (if (zerop (mod (incf pos) 30))  (print r)))))
(defun eg--data (&aux (pos -1))
  "CLI action. Process data."
  (let ((self (make-data (? train) :sortp t)))
    (format t "d ~a~%" (o self cols names)) 
    (dolist (row $rows)
       (when (zerop (mod (incf pos) 30))  
         (format t "~,2f ~a~%" (ydist self row) row)))))

Start-up Control

(loop :for (flag arg) :on (args) :by #'cdr
      :do  (let ((com (intern (format nil "EG~:@(~a~)" flag))))
              (if (fboundp com)
                 (funcall com))))

That's all folks.